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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Jennifer Mcilnay's tribute page:

Ronald A. McIlnay - Finding a cure

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 21
Total Value of Gifts: $1,145.00

Recent Donors

MCC-Penn Valley HSI Nursing Faculty & Staff

Liz Santander


Ronald McIlnay

Mrs. Gwen Robertson

Melanie & Larry Bowman

Pam Stockman

Ms. Linda Lechowicz

Maureen Kennedy

Mark Rowland

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As most kids do, I want my grandpa to live forever, but knowing he won't I want him to live a good life for what he's got left of it. My grandpa has alzheimer's and everytime I visit him (a day every 4-6 months) it seems to be getting worse. I wish, like magic, he'd be better instantly but anyone knows that's not possible. It takes time, people and money to find a cure.
-Ainsley and Ian McIlnay

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