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Total Gifts:

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Arlene Norris's tribute page:

Bernice Malin

Total Number of Gifts: 18
Total Value of Gifts: $1,000.00

Recent Donors

Mikki and Chris

Sandi Ionelli

Rhonda & Mark Wapnick

Freddy James

Marci & Tom La Berge

Sandi Sadikoff & Neil Persky

Tim Curtis & Shandon Youngclaus

Kari Salrin

Cindy Bertram

Jered Gold and Nickolas Teague

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Bernice Malin was a beloved mother and grandmother, who passed away on December 19, 2010. Everyone who ever met her loved her instantly. May her memory live on...

Bernice Malin
2/29/1920 - 12/19/2010

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