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Total Gifts:

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Jennifer Zook's tribute page:

Jeffrey Raab

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 30
Total Value of Gifts: $3,163.33

Recent Donors

Michael Raab


Chuck and Elizabeth Mclauchlin

Carrie Young

Hedda and Michael Ciaramella

The Meehan's

Matthew Roberts

Pete Kroshefskie

Sarah Fibbe


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More than 5 million Americans and their loved ones have been affected by Alzheimer's.
Jeffery Raab, husband, father, friend, respected Varsity Football Coach for Palm Beach Central Wolverines', lost his battle against Alzheimer's on Monday, July 19th. Jeff was diagnosed with Early Onset Alzheimer's at the age of 49. With his wife, Bobbi and their children by his side, he fought the good fight.
During those 49 years, Jeff touched the lives of so many people and will be missed by many more.
Thank you for your contribution to continue this battle against a disease that has unnecessarily affected so many.

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