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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Nancy Asplund's tribute page:

"Katherine Beamish Memorial Fund"

Total Number of Gifts: 3
Total Value of Gifts: $200.00

Recent Donors

Marilyn Schilling, Bob & Carla Nicholls and Janice Beamish

Nancy Kay Asplund

Beamish Family of Michigan

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

In loving memory of our Mom who passed away January 4, 2015 at the age of 92. We watched as she passed thru the stages of Alzheimer's for at least 7 years, perhaps more. Her memory problems grew as the years passed, but she still loved her crossword puzzles and had amazing spelling skills that lasted until the end. It's a heartbreaking disease. We hope there is a breakthrough someday soon.

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