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Nancy Anderson's tribute page:

Betty Anderson

Total Number of Gifts: 9
Total Value of Gifts: $410.00

Recent Donors

Andy Anderson - $100.00

Mike and Chesta - $100.00

Margaret Grieve-Fent - $35.00

Kathy Putzier - $25.00

JC a.ka. Belgarrath - $35.00

Anonymous - $10.00

Albert Pug - $20.00

Dave - $50.00

Lel - $35.00

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Betty Anderson grew up on a farm in Michigan with her two brothers, John and Richard. She married Howard "Andy" Anderson and moved to Kansas City, Missouri. She was active in her church, the Girl Scouts and taught piano in addition to raising three children. She was artistic and creative, a painter and knitter who enjoyed nearly all arts or crafts she tried.

She and Andy were married for 57 years. They retired in Shell Knob and thoroughly enjoyed life on the lake. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's comparatively late in life but it took over her mind and body far more quickly than any of us imagined it could. Her journey ended December 19th, the final stages were also very fast. She passed peacefully following complications from pneumonia.

Betty is survived by her husband Andy, who is also suffering from Alzheimer's/Dementia, her children Mike, David and Nancy, and her brother John.

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