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Brett Abelman's tribute page:

Stanley Martin Dietz Memorial Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 12
Total Value of Gifts: $454.00

Recent Donors

Joan Casey

Dustin & Natasha

Michelle Baird

Zack Dietz

Tristan and Alena Dietz

Brian Fundakowski Feldman

Thurston Carleton

Emily schneider

Debbie Vandover


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Stanley M. Dietz passed away on April 6, 2010 after a long illness, during which he suffered the debilitating effects of Alzheimer's. This fund has been created in his memory, to aid in the fight against this condition.

Born in Brooklyn, New York in 1927, Mr. Dietz practiced criminal law in Maryland and the District of Columbia for over forty years and had the distinction of winning a first amendment case before the United States Supreme Court in 1962. A well-known attorney, he helped established the First Amendment Lawyers Association and traveled the nation extensively on legal matters associated with first amendment issues. He retired from his legal practice in 1995.

Mr. Dietz is survived by his beloved wife of thirty years, Jeanne Bowes-Dietz, an English Composition Assistant. He is also survived by his five children: Teresa Dietz, currently living in California, and Inga Dietz, both from a previous marriage; and three sons Tristan B. Dietz, Seth C. Dietz, Trevor L. Dietz and two grandchildren, Tony and Blake.

At his family's request, please consider a contribution to help fight against this debilitating disease.

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