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Total Gifts:

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Kristi Seiter's tribute page:

Jill Miller Tribute Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 12
Total Value of Gifts: $580.00

Recent Donors

The DiAntonio Family

Donna Lawrence

Janet Swift

Ms. Jayne Marcucella

Dan Prusak

Florence King


Lou & Pat

Jane Leff

David Buffington

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Our mother, Jill Miller, died Saturday, October 4, 2014 of complications from Alzheimers. Mom struggled with this debilitating disease for close to a decade. It began with what we thought were typical "senior moments" but slowly robbed her of the ability to read, write, remember her own name or those of her children and friends. Then, the physical changes began to take hold. She could no longer bathe, dress or toilet herself. The physical ravaging of her body was so very difficult to watch. Thankfully, it did not drag on long, and she passed away peacefully and painlessly on a beautiful autumn day with the sun shining in her room. I hope and pray that a cure for this awful disease will be found soon so that the next generation will be spared the torture so many victims have to go through.

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