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Total Gifts:

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Ramon Rodriguez's tribute page:

Zoilo Bernabe Marrero Tribute

Team Fundraising Goal: $10,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 12
Total Value of Gifts: $1,120.00

Recent Donors

Chickie and John Post

FO Family

Mr & Mrs R Reyome


School #14



Yami Izquierdo

The Strassburger Family

Evan Beck

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Zoilo Bernabe Marrero was born approximately 77 years ago as a poor boy. Through hard work and dedication he came to own three grocery stores and a theater in his native country of Cuba. However due to political reasons he immigrated to the United States leaving behind his parents and sisters to better the life's of his three children. In the United States he continued his hard work and dedication which is the core values that his three children have today. He was a family man who loved his wife, children, grandchildren, and friends. He always left everyone with a smile and never left with anger. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's that ultimately ended his life. Due to this we are asking not for flowers or sympathy cards but donations to find a cure for this disease. God bless.

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