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Total Gifts:

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Rusty (John) Gilbert's tribute page:

Bob Gilbert (1932-2014)

Team Fundraising Goal: $200.00

Total Number of Gifts: 15
Total Value of Gifts: $740.00

Recent Donors

Rusty Gilbert - $50.00

Always rembmbered! Your son Rusty (2018). - $35.00

Your son Rusty (2017) - $50.00

Rusty Gilbert - $50.00

Rusty Gilbert - $100.00

Bob and Linda Rogers - $50.00

Marilyn & Phillip Corsi - $35.00

Angie Neve - $100.00

Carol & Mitch Kirkuff - $25.00

Geri DiMucci - $25.00

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Bob Gilbert's Memorial Fund

Bob was a great man who suffered from Dementia in his final years. It's a debilitating disease that severely impacts not only the patient but family and loved ones.

Bob was born in 1932 and was raised in Burlington (Springside area) NJ and moved to Columbus, NJ in 1971. He served in the Marines during the height of the Korean War. He was known for his work ethic, care for family and friends, quick humor, positive approach to any problem or circumstance, always trying his best, acceptance of others, and esp. care for those who were less fortunate.

He is survived by his wife Nancy, sons Rusty & Dean, daughter Lynn, numerous grandchildren, etc. Thank you for considering to contribute.

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