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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Vicki Vakiener's tribute page:

Betty Bramhall Memorial Fund

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 23
Total Value of Gifts: $1,600.00

Recent Donors

Silver Family

Frances Bramhall Wittgens

Betty Brumall

Team Chemistry


The Ferlita Family



Amy and Tom Han

Rita and Walter

Full Donor List Opens new window.Full Donor List

My mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer's at the age of 76 and died 7 years later. While she lost most of her memories, she never stopped loving life and continued to make special connections with people. Even at the end when she was combative at times, she would always turn to the person and tell them she "loved them" as if she knew what she was doing was not something she meant to do. I am thankful that she knew who I was until the very end. Rest in peace mom, I will love you forever. your daughter, Vicki

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