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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Stacy Prater's tribute page:

Sylvia J. Ross Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 34
Total Value of Gifts: $2,885.00

Recent Donors

Linda E. Kamin

Ken & Gerry Lynn Allen


SAS Institute Inc.

Lannie Fisher

Avis Jensen


Janice D. Allen

David R. Ross

Katherine K. Aylsworth

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Sylvia's Story

Established by her children, this memorial fund is intended to offer friends and family of Sylvia a way to honor her smile, her gift for laughter, and her animated spirit that touched everyone in her presence - all of which will be sadly missed.

Sylvia was diagnosed with Dementia close to the time of her retirement approximately 10 years ago. Since that time, the disease slowly progressed as Sylvia's good health, vitality, and young age seemed to have delayed the inevitable.

It has been a difficult decade to watch a woman with so much enthusiasm for life gradually slip away. By establishing this fund in her memory, it is the family's hope that others will eventually be spared the same difficult journey.

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