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Hardy Janson's tribute page:

Nina McPhearson Tribute Fund

Nina on Valentine's Day 2013

Nina on Valentine's Day 2013

Total Number of Gifts: 5
Total Value of Gifts: $370.00

Recent Donors

Charlie and Jeannette Miller

Josh and Ashley Schroeder

Harbinger Pictures

Heath and Kara Miller

Justin and Liz Branch

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For those who knew Nina McPhearson, they knew that she always provided.

Whether someone needed love during a time of sorrow, support to follow a dream or simply the offer of a smile that could immediately make those who witnessed it forget their troubles, Nina was always more than happy to oblige. She was an optimist in the truest sense, fully committing herself to the belief that there is a best in everyone. So, it is with a heavy heart, that her family creates this tribute to fight Alzheimer's after her passing on June 29th, 2013.

Nina had been personally affected by the disease after both her mother (Nancy) and sister (Margaret) were diagnosed, and has been a relentless fighter against its devastating effects for over 40 years. So much so that in 1982, Nina served on the front lines of the struggle acting as the President of the Northern Virginia Chapter of Alzheimer's and Related Diseases of America. And although her mother passed away years ago, Nina's sister continues to suffer from Alzheimer's to this day and has been a constant focus
of Nina's efforts to spare other families from this debilitating disease.

So, in Nina's memory, her family would like to follow her example. And, in doing so, we ask that in lieu of flowers, those who wish to give their condolences help us honor Nina by offering a donation to this fund to aid in the research of Alzheimer's. Though Nina won't be around for the ultimate defeat of this disease herself, it is comforting to know that even her passing will be part of the relentless march toward a cure.

So, as Nina has provided, we believe that it is our turn. And we ask your help.

With love,
Hardy, Kara, Raetta, Darryl, Joyce and Dorothy

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