The Longest Day - Lochmere - Tennis Gives Back 2019

From sunup to well past sundown, The Longest Day reflects that Tennis Gives Back in so many ways. Thank you for your participation, support, fellowship and stories shared beforehand and throughout the day. What a truly special and meaningful day.

We want to thank Pam Gilbert and the Lochmere community for hosting our inaugural “Longest Day Tennis Gives Back” event on Friday. Partnering wonderfully with Laura Weygandt at WWTA, we were able to effectively raise awareness and support our efforts. The support of weblinks, social media, advice, courts, a tent, balls and some wonderful appreciation gifts for those who came by the courts yesterday, enabled us to host a very memorable event.

When the sun set on 21 June 2019 Longest day, we had 61 total players on 19 courts reserved. A special shout out to our first courts from Lochmere, Prestonwood and CTP who took most of the first hours and started our day with wonderful fellowship and good cheer. As part of our event, we constructed a tribute wall where those who played or stopped by could add a name of a loved one in honor or memory. At the end of our day, 45 special people were honored on our journey through this Longest Day.

Click one of the photos below to view it in full size.

Beginning our Day Morning Courts began at 8am 10am Changeover Great fellowship and fun Michel and Pam stopped by to check out the Tennis
Memory Wall Finding a little shade before play Our Final Court of the Day Combine your passion and purpose Teamwork on clean up