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2024 Dancing Stars of Coastal Georgia

Welcome to Dr. Roma Patel

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Personal Progress:
94 percent of goal achieved.
Fundraising Honor Roll

Every 65 seconds, someone in the United State develops Alzheimer’s, making it the 6th leading cause of death.  Chances are that we have all met someone who has been affected by this disease. Alzheimer’s does not discriminate. It could be that even your loved one is affected by this disease. So, let’s put an end to this!

Now, picture this: A dentist with a dazzling smile and precision moves that would make any tooth fairy jealous, trading in their trusty dental tools for a pair of sparkling dancing shoes! With every graceful twirl and dip, I’m not just fixing smiles, I’m raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Association; I’m going to dazzle the dance floor and prove that filling cavities isn’t my only forte! Behind the dental chair, lurks a secret dance maestro ready to cha-cha-cha my way to a perfect score! Help me raise funds in hopes of a world without Alzheimer's! 

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