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Total Gifts:
Recent Donors
Gerri Beaudin's tribute page:
Alfred "Al" Beaudin

Team Fundraising Goal: $1,500.00
Total Number of Gifts: 17 | |
Total Value of Gifts: $1,140.00 |
Recent Donors
Jane and Bob Tusso
Ron & Jan Perkins
Kevin and Barbara Lawler
Al Beaudin
Heather Perkins
Lee Esser
Dick & Betsy Esser
Knouse Foods Cooperative, Inc.
Clare and Milt Small
Al entered the early stages of Alzhiemers in 2018.
He loved going to the gym, cooking and spending time with family and friends.
In 2019 he was no longer able to go to the gym and spend time lifting and working out with his buddies.
In 2020 he had a series of several hospitalizations from falling.
During the early stages of the Covid 19 pandemic trips to the hospital became even more challenging.
The confusion of hospitals and rehabilitation centers were difficult. The decision was then made to keep him at home and bring in caregivers to help.
He passed away at the age of 91 on January 17, 2021 and leaves behind his beloved wife of almost 35 years Gerri.
Please consider a donation to help continue the important work in providing Alzheimer's care and support and accelerating research cure Alzheimer's in Al's name.
Thank you so very much for your support.
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