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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

's tribute page:

The John W. Gurr Memorial Fund

Total Number of Gifts: 51
Total Value of Gifts: $4,025.00

Recent Donors

Wayne and Bonnie Jefferson

Mary Gurr

Henry ("Van") & Edith van Wageningen

Betsy & Jay Siegel

Harry and Kari Miller


Wendy and Nick Taylor


Skip & Jean Gray Rice

Susan Margaret Harmon

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Dear Friends -

Thank you so much for considering a donation in memory of our father/husband, John W. Gurr.

As you know, he suffered from Alzheimer's for several years. Through your support, we can continue the Alzheimer's Association's vital research towards a cure, and sustain essential support groups that counsel victims and family members dealing with the disease.

With much love,

Chris, Brian and Mary

Guest Book

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Horace & Patti Brady
Mon, May 06, 2013
Dear Mary, Patti and I send our deepest sympathies to you and your family. I always enjoyed working with John during the various Performing Arts Events. God Bless.
Sincerely, Horace & Patti

Ann & Ray Ashton
Sun, May 05, 2013

Sun, May 05, 2013
I always admired and always will remember cousin John for his integrity, honor, decency, gentleness and steadfast dedication to his country. Such men are rare and never forgotten.

Bob and Eldrid Crawford
Wed, May 01, 2013
John was my roommate in Company H-1 and a true and valued friend. We will certainly miss him.

John McNerney
Wed, May 01, 2013
"Last Call" as one of a kind. His cheery demeanor was an inspiration to us all. He didn't have a mean bone in his body; he was always willing to help anyone who needed it. His dry sense of humor never failed to amuse all those whose lives he touched. On On!

Annie Marrs
Tue, Apr 30, 2013
There are never enough words...Mary, know that you will always have support at the Alz. Times will not be the same, but your love kept shining true through the thick and thin of Alzheimer's. My prayers go out to your family - take care of each other and keep talking about your John...he will live on! What a great picture posted (I almost starting singing 'red solo cup').

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