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Total Gifts:

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Karla Johnston-Krase's tribute page:

Karen Ann Wirch

Total Number of Gifts: 6
Total Value of Gifts: $325.00

Recent Donors

Leonard & Nancy Lepkowski

Colleen Koch

Judy Cook-Shelley Eilbes

Roger and Bette Hoytink

Ms. Lynn Walborn

Wayne & Allys Rudisill

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We are remembering our mom, Karen Wirch, and the way she embodied love, delight and a deep passion to care for others. She mothered and grandmothered not just her own family, but her communities. She cared for the earth in tending to her own vivid flower gardens and nimbly pulling weeds everywhere she went! Thanks for honoring her life and memory with your donation.

Alzheimers/dementia is hard. Hard to navigate, hard to witness the one you love sliding away. And yet, there were many spontaneous moments of delight and deep connection through smiles and touch if not talk. We are grateful to all who accompanied her and her family on the journey.
Thanks for remembering our mom, for supporting her and Jim and all of us, and for supporting other families who are navigating life with Alzheimers.

Karen loved fiercely and with the utmost loyalty. She had a great sense of adventure, pure whimsy and playful curiosity that grew bigger as she aged. If you knew her, then you too witnessed it or experienced these gifts. Even in her last days, while being cared for by others, she always lit up when someone walked in, sharing her joy and letting each of us know we are seen and loved.

How did Karen share her light with you? We would love to know. (leave a message below). May you know your own light and shine too.

With love and gratitude,
The family of Karen Ann Wirch

In the words of Mary Oliver....
"We shake with joy, we shake with grief. What a time they have, these two housed as they are in the same body."

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