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National Team Type:Silver National Team - Company Name:FBLACompany URL:https://www.fbla.org/

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Future Business Leaders of America

Company Description

Why We Walk: On behalf of the more than 6 million American's living with Alzheimer's disease, thank you for rallying around a cause that affects 1 in 3 people in the communities where you work and live. As a Walk to End Alzheimer's® Team, FBLA will be forming teams and raising funds for Walks across the country. The funds raised will help fight Alzheimer's disease through vital research, advocacy efforts and essential support programs and services in your communities. Your team donations will play an important role in improving the lives of people living with Alzheimer's, their families and caregivers.

The Future Business Leaders of America, or FBLA, is one of the largest student organizations in the United States, with more than 250,000 members, and the largest career student organization in the world. It is recognized by the Association for Career and Technical Education, International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education, National Association of Parliamentarians, National Association of Secondary School Principals, National Business Education Association, and the U.S. Department of Education.

FBLA mission is to inspire and prepare students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences.

Overall, FBLA has six specific areas focused on helping students become successful business leaders: leadership development, academic competitions, educational programs, membership benefits, community service and awards & recognition.

How to register your team

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Top 10 Events
Top 10 Teams
Team Name Event Name Amount Members
South Central High School FBLA 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - South Central Illinois



FCTC FBLA 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Columbia, SC



OSCEOLA MIDDLE SCHOOL FBLA CLUB 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Ocala, FL



WCHS FBLA 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - St. Charles County, MO



Grand Junction High School FBLA 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Grand Junction, CO



CCHS FBLA 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Southern Illinois



Merced High School FBLA 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Merced County, CA



Bismarck FBLA 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Mineral Area



FBLA Steinbrenner High School 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Tampa



Ardrey Kell FBLA 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Charlotte, NC



Top 10 Participants
Participant Name Event Name Amount
Champions Club Self Donor Donna Haire 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Columbia, SC


Champions Club Matthew Johnston 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - St. Charles County, MO


Self Donor Jayde Bussard 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Grand Junction, CO


Niyah Morgan 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Columbia, SC


Self Donor Melvie Harris 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Columbia, SC


Quinn Jarvis 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Ocala, FL


T-shirt Achieved Self Donor Flori Lo 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Merced County, CA


T-shirt Achieved Self Donor Cooper Hamaker 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Tampa


T-shirt Achieved Self Donor Christi McGee 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Southern Illinois


T-shirt Achieved Nicky Haire 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Columbia, SC
