Sigma Pi Phi

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National Team Type:Silver National Team - Company Name:Sigma Pi PhiCompany URL:

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Sigma Pi Phi

Company Description

Why We Walk: The summer edition of the Boule Journal (pages 40-48) addressed Alzheimer’s and other dementia among African Americans. In support of our continuing focus on this disease, all Member Boules in the Pacific Region are rallying around taking the next steps. As a Walk to End Alzheimer’s® National Team, the Pacific Region of Sigma Pi Phi will be forming Member Boule teams and raising funds for Walks across our Pacific Region and in return will earn national recognition benefits. The funds raised will advance the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer’s Association® in the African American communities. Our Pacific Region donations will play an important role in improving the lives of people living with Alzheimer's, their families and caregivers.On behalf of the more than 6 Million Americans living with Alzheimer’s, thank you for rallying around a cause that affects 1 in 3 seniors in the communities where you work and live.

African Americans and Alzheimer’s and other dementia

  • Among Black Americans ages 70 and older, 21.3 percent are living with Alzheimer’s.
  • While older Black Americans are twice as likely as older whites to have Alzheimer’s or another dementia, research hasn’t yet identified the cause. Higher rates of cardiovascular (heart and blood vessels) disease may play a role. Some studies indicate that after correcting for overall health and socioeconomic status, these differences disappear.
  • Only 20 percent of Black Americans say that they have no barriers to excellent health care and support for Alzheimer’s or other dementias.
  • Half of African Americans say that they have experienced discrimination while seeking care for a person living with Alzheimer’s.
  • Only 48 percent of Blacks report being confident they can access culturally competent care.
  • Only 53 percent of Blacks believe that a cure for Alzheimer’s will be distributed fairly, without regard to race, color or ethnicity.
  • 55 percent of Blacks think that significant loss of cognitive abilities or memory is a natural part of aging rather than a disease.

Thank you in advance in supporting our community within the Pacific Region.

Michael Keeley
Pacific Region Sire Archon

How to register your team

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Top 10 Events
Top 10 Teams
Team Name Event Name Amount Members
Beta Upsilon Boule 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - San Francisco, CA



Top 10 Participants
Participant Name Event Name Amount
Champions Club Self Donor Marc Loupe 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - San Francisco, CA


T-shirt Achieved Self Donor Warner Wims 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - San Francisco, CA
