Berry Dunn

Berry Dunn
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National Team Type:Corporate Team - Company Name:Berry DunnCompany URL:

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Berry Dunn

Company Description

Why We Walk: On behalf of the nearly 7 million American's living with Alzheimer's disease, thank you for rallying around a cause that affects 1 in 3 people in the communities where you work and live. As a Walk to End Alzheimer's® Team, Berry Dunn will be forming teams and raising funds for Walks across the country. The funds raised will help fight Alzheimer's disease through vital research, advocacy efforts and essential support programs and services in your communities. Your team donations will play an important role in improving the lives of people living with Alzheimer's, their families and caregivers.

How to register your team


[Company Name] Team Coordinator:

Contact Name:Lisa Trundy-Whitten

Accounting Industry Leadership Council Member

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