Five Star Senior Living

Five Star Senior Living
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National Team Type:Member National Team - Company Name:Five Star Senior LivingCompany URL:

Company Logo
Five Star Senior Living
5+ Longevity Badge$500,000+ Lifetime Achievement Badge

Company Description

Why We Walk: Alzheimer's disease currently affects six million Americans and various studies claim that this number will triple in the near future. Here at Five Star Senior Living we look at these estimates and see more than a number, we see our residents, friends, family members, we see our community. That is why we are participating in the annual "Walk to End Alzheimer's". We will walk for our residents and their families. We want to support them in this fight, a fight we face every day, but also a fight that can be won, if we join our efforts together.

Five Star Senior Living is proud to serve as a leading memory care provider in the nation. We worked hard to develop an innovative program called "Bridge to Rediscovery (BTR)" designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for seniors living with Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Our objective is to see them flourish and share a positive life experience despite the illness.

Please join us in our effort to battle Alzheimer's disease, one step at a time….

Katie Potter, CEO, Five Star Senior Living

How to register your team


[Company Name] Team Coordinator:

Contact Name:Mackenzie Malloy

Photo Album

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Top 10 Events
Top 10 Teams
Team Name Event Name Amount Members
The Forum Bridge Walkers 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Columbus, OH



Church Creek 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Northwest Suburban, IL



Cameron Hall of Canton 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Cherokee County/Canton, GA



Fox Hollow Fox Trots 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Moore County, NC



Meadowmere M&M's 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Milwaukee County, WI



Forest Heights Senior 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Winston-Salem, NC



Morningside Magic 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Rowan-Cabarrus, NC



Meadowood 2024 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Bloomington, IN



College View Manor 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Joplin



Five Star Premier Residences- Hollywood 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Broward County



Top 10 Participants
Participant Name Event Name Amount
Self Donor Holly Campa 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Northwest Suburban, IL


Elite Grand Champion Self Donor Sandy Beecham 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Cherokee County/Canton, GA


Lois Thompson 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Moore County, NC


Grand Champions Club Self Donor Ashley Bowsher 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Columbus, OH


Grand Champions Club Self Donor Catherine Brown 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Rowan-Cabarrus, NC


Grand Champions Club Self Donor Ambrose Siers 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Milwaukee County, WI


Champions Club Self Donor Katie Billings 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Winston-Salem, NC


T-shirt Achieved Karen Patnode 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Milwaukee County, WI


T-shirt Achieved Self Donor Beverly Teach 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Bloomington, IN


T-shirt Achieved Self Donor Kristen Yielding 2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Milwaukee County, WI
