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Christina Belden's tribute page:

David and Pauline Alexander

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Before Christmas of '08 both my grandparents were diagnosed with Alzheimer's, as you might have realized they are infact a married couple. This makes it even more difficult. They can't take care of each other, and it's very hard for my family to help as much as they need help. They have four children, two live in Florida, one has his own family, and has personal issues of his own. They have plenty of grandchildren, I am one of them. I do want I can, but I have two young children as well. Another one works full time, and has a family, one lives 2 hours away, one lives in Texas, the rest are to young. I can't have them live with me, my apartment is to small. I can't live with them due to certain circumstances. I just wish I could do more. They need 24 hour care and they refuse to go to an assisted living home. I worry about them all time especially when I am not there. I really don't know what to do anymore. The whole family is going to be together for Easter and some decisions need to be made hopefully we can do something to better the situation. My grandparents are very special people, I want them to be here as long as they can. I know my family does to.

I don't want to set a goal most of you know any amount is helping the cause and finding a cure. I hope people will be giving and understanding.

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