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Total Gifts:

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Tina corner's tribute page:

Joe B. Gilbert Jr. Memorial

Dad boating on the Chesapeake in 2011

Dad boating on the Chesapeake in 2011

Total Number of Gifts: 37
Total Value of Gifts: $3,642.00

Recent Donors


Chesapeake Corporate Advisors

Marie & Dave Hartman

Mike Mercurio


Allen Stott


Dan Welsh

annie geiermann

Howard County Chamber of Commerce

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Dad was officially diagnosed with Alzheimers in 2009 even though the disease starts much earlier. He was very aware he had Alzheimers and would frequently say to others when he talked to forgive him as he "has Alzheimers". He handled the downside graciously while struggling internally with the inability to be independent and do his favorite activity: drive all the while setting a high bar for how to preserve personal dignity.
He grew up and lived in Missouri. Over this past year, almost to this date, I was the luckiest daughter by being given the opportunity to spend nearly everyday with him and the gift of him knowing me all the way until the end. This gift enabled us to share many "priceless moments" together.
So in memory of my Dad and to assist future generations of dealing with this disease, I ask in lieu of flowers, please consider a donation in his memory.

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