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Bob Rexroad Tribute Fund

Clarence Robert

Clarence Robert "Bob" Rexroad, Beloved Husband, Father, Granddad and Friend

Team Fundraising Goal: $2,000.00

Total Number of Gifts: 23
Total Value of Gifts: $1,585.00

Recent Donors

Diane Carey

Shannon Ramirez

Prather Family

Jennifer Altizer

Kent and Jan Best

David and Margaret Plummer

Thomas and Grace Marmolejo

Teresa, Scott, Craig, Rachel, and Shelby

Robert Gauss and Republic Services

Antonio and Rosa Carmona

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Clarence Robert (Bob) Rexroad had Alzheimer's disease. Today he is telling jokes and remembering the punch line. Today he remembers his first date with his wife, their first kiss, the birth of their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Today, he remembers walking his daughters down the aisle. We all love you and will miss you. You were a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather.

R.I.P. 6/28/30 - 11/1/12

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