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Total Gifts:

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Janel Jaeger's tribute page:

June Jaeger Tribute

Photo Pages

June's photos

Team Fundraising Goal: $750.00

Total Number of Gifts: 10
Total Value of Gifts: $775.00

Recent Donors

janel s jaeger

Enrique Alanis

Susan Aberer

Al and Linda Popp

John Romano

Josh, Heather & Landon

Aurora Puleo and family

Mike & Julie DiVerde



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June lost her battle with Alzheimer's and its effects on April 28, 2023. June began her decline several years ago and, as is typical with Alzheimer's, the decline was slow but, thankfully, painless for her. We remember her as a loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She was a lover of all animals and contributed regularly to various charities benefitting both animals and people in need.
We must not foget her passion for her Cubs and are so grateful for the 2016 season! Please consider a small donation to help find a cure for this horrible disease. We thank you profusely.

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