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Amberlee Ray's tribute page:

Dolores Vivian Minnick Crawford

Total Number of Gifts: 5
Total Value of Gifts: $950.00

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Tom, Kathy, & Alexis

Lee Crawford / Lucas


Wednesday Ladies Bible Study

Harold & Brenda Ogden

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She was the best mom, Meme/Mom Mom that a kid could ask for. From what I remember: Mom went to the pool with us, even though she was scared of the water. She took us to the beach and let us bury her in the sand. She threw the baseball, football, & shot the basketball with us. She drove us to and from practices. She encouraged us to be the best at whatever we chose to do. But most of all, Mom loved us.

Mom traveled the world with our Dad. She just kind of rolled with the punches so to speak. Mom followed Dad to Texas A&M (whoop) where they had their first child, Linda. Then they went on to Denver, CO where Lee was born. Then they traveled to Venezuela, where Butch was born, yes, he has dual citizenship. And his bassinette was actually a dresser drawer. And last, but not least they had me, Kathy in Corpus Christi. But guess what? Living on the coast as we did, Dad was out fishing at the time. Thank goodness for radios! They traveled to Kuwait after that...with an 11 yr old, a 10 yr old, a 4 yr old, and a newborn. Can you even imagine?!? Wow, she sure was brave too!

As Mom traveled, she learned how to cook the local cuisine. One of my greatest memories growing up is the amazing food that Mom put on the table. And I’m not talking meat & potatoes...she cooked paella, lamb curry, scaloppini, etc. As we grew older, she would always cook our favorite dish when we came home to visit. My favorite was her was amazing!!!

She also loved her garden and any locally grown fruits. We had blackberries in the back yard that ended up in blackberry cobbler. Mulberries in the local woods that ended up in jam. Mustang grapes at the ranch that ended up in jelly. And her garden veggies...pickles, canned tomatoes, black-eyed peas, okra.....if she could can it, she did! We used to visit their house at the ranch and we would go shopping (for free) in the Crawford mercantile. She even made her own sauerkraut.

But that doesn’t even begin to describe Mom. She was so loving. The greatest Mom any kid could ever ask for. We had so many friends that she always welcomed into her home and to her table. But she could also pack a punch if you ever messed up. If we got in trouble as out for that wooden spoon! And she would even chase you if she had to.

Mom was also well known for her sarcasm & spunk. There are numerous pictures of her with her tongue sticking out. And anyone who knows her has felt her quick wit. But she did it all with love in her heart. If she loved you, she picked at you.

So many things came to mind as I was writing this. How Mom loved crabbing, dove hunting, vacations in the mountains, she just seemed to love life with her family.

Lorrie, age 85, passed away on September 9, 2018. She suffered from Alzheimer’s during the last 10 years of her life.

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