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Total Gifts:

Recent Donors

Andrea Cerasoli's tribute page:

Corinne "Renee" Fetkovich

Photo Pages

Grandma <3

Total Number of Gifts: 14
Total Value of Gifts: $590.00

Recent Donors

Jenn Cerasoli

Rick and Debbie Queer and family

Alyssa Ilov

Andrea, Jess, Jenn & Nick Cerasoli

Anna & Leo Karachristos

The Zbihley Family

David Fetkovich and Family

Annette, Dan & Yvonne Kleber

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hryckowiaw

Mark and Debby

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Anyone reading this page most likely remembers Renee as an amazing person. One of the most fun, kind, wonderfully helpful people around. While she lived a full and happy life, she also lived her last years with a terrible disease that prevented her from remembering all of the wonderful moments she had experienced. Alzheimer's affects everyone differently. Fortunately, Gram was just as sweet as she had always been up until the end (even if she couldn't remember your name). However, normal everyday chores became impossible and this was hard for Grams to cope with. She didn't like being taken care of, but preferred to take care of others. This fund is a way to donate money to Alzheimer's research in honor of Gram so that hopefully one day a cure will be found so that no one will have to go through what Gram did, and no family will have to feel the pain that comes along with watching a loved one lose the ability to enjoy every last bit of life.

So, to Grams - her loving, caring, funny, crazy, energetic, amazing self. We love you and miss you. Let's help find a way to make sure this disease is stopped.

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