This is my third year participating in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s and I’m raising funds and awareness to advance the fight against this disease — funds that allow the Alzheimer’s Association to provide 24/7 care and support while accelerating critical research.
It took me a while to think about what I wanted to write to make this more personal to all of you who visit my page and donate and I want to say thank you first and foremost. Many of you may be on the same journey or have been or know of someone. While some experiences may be the same ...some are different but what I have learned is does take a village and I am finally starting to realize I can't do everything alone even though I try...and am still stubborn in so many ways...
I will be adding more to this but this is a start...☺
Decided to treat this a little like journaling. On the night of Easter 3/31/24 around 10:31 pm after my Mom went to bed; she came out of her room; went to the far so good...then decided to leave her walker and go to the kitchen and throw out her garbage because she can't have garbage in the pail...ifkyk...she was holding the island on the way back and lost her footing and fell. Ended up breaking her hip. We spent the rest of the night in the ER. April Fools in surgery...and by the 4th she was in rehab. My Mom doesn't remember breaking her hip. If you tell her she broke her hip ; she has a completely different version of what happened. The latest is that she rolled out of the ambulance. ( I will be adding more so stay tuned)
Mom was released on April 24th from rehab. We are still working on our 1850 farmhouse to make it more accessible to her while advocating on her behalf. Being her caretaker is a fulltime job with help of an aide and my husband who is doing 100% of the work himself.
Doing all of this , life falls to the side. I continually tell everyone to realize how bless they are. Our lives literally are taking a backseat while Amazon and instacart our friends now....
Families facing Alzheimer’s and all other dementia need us now more than ever — and with your help, we can be there for them. Please make a donation or register as a participant and start your own fundraising. Together, we can end Alzheimer’s disease.
Thank you!
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Thank you for helping advance Alzheimer's support, care and research.
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