The Walk to End Alzheimer's- Baltimore was a wonderful day, and I am so proud of our efforts to make this Walk our very best ever. As many of you know, in July we lost our dear friend Melissa who was the guiding spirit behind this Walk. We had her with us in spirit and I know she would be thrilled at the love and support we brought to the day. And with a special angel in heaven, we were blessed with glorious weather.
However, I must confess, that because I spent so much time in the planning and executing of the Walk over the last few months, I am behind in my personal fundraising. It is so important to me to do whatever I can to raise money, just like we ask our other Walkers! This cause is not just my job, it's very personal to me.
June 30 marked my 10th Anniversary with the Alzheimer's Association. I am a very lucky person because at the start of my career, I found my life's calling. I have spent my entire professional life working for non-profits dedicated to helping people in extraordinary ways. As anyone who knows me can attest, I tend to throw myself completely into my work. During our busy time, I work long hours, weekends, nights etc. but I really don't mind because I know exactly who I am doing this for, not only people I love, but also the people I have come to know and admire who are courageously living with the challenges thrown at them because of Alzheimer's or another dementia.
At this point in my career, I think this will be my last job before I retire. I've got a few years left to work, and I do hope that by the time I do retire, we will have treatments and preventions that make it possible for me to walk away saying, WE DID IT. I can't WAIT for that day! What a wonderful reason to celebrate. Of course, until recently, that day seemed so far away and outside of my control. But right now, the Alzheimer's Association is in the ERA of Treatment. For the first time ever, there are drugs that treat the underlying cause of the disease for those in the earliest stages and not just the symptoms. It's a far cry from being a cure, but it's closer than we've ever been. Remember, today's cancer drugs are so much better than the early ones, but each treatment built on the one before. Very soon, we will have a blood test that can diagnose Alzheimer's early enough for these treatments to make a real difference. I am so excited that every dollar I help bring into this mission will help families today with care and support AND bring us one day closer to that cure.
Please help me move the needle by supporting my efforts in the Walk to End Alzheimer's. Contribute to my efforts! Find out more information about the new treatments or our services at
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Thank you for helping advance Alzheimer's support, care and research.
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