Alzheimer's isn't waiting — and neither should we! This year, UCFS’s Eldercare Services Team is participating in the Alzheimer'sAssociation Walk to End Alzheimer's® on Saturday, September 28th atOcean Beach Park in New London. The walk raises funds and awareness forAlzheimer's care, support, and research. We invite you to walk with theEldercare Team and request that you ask others to join us.
Our team’s name is UCFS Eldercare 2:30Crew. At the Ross Adult Day Center our devoted team cares for clients wholive in Norwich and the surrounding communities Monday – Friday. Many ofthe clients have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia thataffects their ability to remember where they are and when they’re going home.2:30 pm is a very endearing term (and time) for us at the center because it’sthe answer to the most frequently asked questions of every day: “When am Igoing home?” and “When am I being picked up?”.
Event Date: Saturday, September 28th
Time: Event opens at 9:30 am/Opening Ceremony at10:00 am/Walk starts at 10:30am
Location: Ocean Beach Park, 98 Neptune Ave., NewLondon, CT
If you're unable to participate, please consider donating toour fundraising efforts. Every dollar you donate helps the Alzheimer'sAssociation® provide care, support, and advance critical research for thosefacing Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.
Thank you!
Audrie Babineau
Ross Adult Day Center Team Captain
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Our Goal
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