Alzheimer's runs deep in our family. Our mother/grandmother was diagnosed with it in 2014. Since then we have literally watched it rob her of her precious memories. Our grandfather/great-grandfather had it, that is not what he died from, but at the same time, he was robbed of his memories. Great Aunt also had this disease and she did pass away from it.
Our father/grandfather's brother's also suffer from this horrible disease. We have lost two Uncle's to this disease, and one that is still in the early stages of the disease. Out of five boys in the family three have been touched with this disease. I have also did testing through 23 and Me for this disease and it came back that I carry 2 out of the 4 variants of late onset Alzheimer's.
As you can see this runs deep in our family and this is why we do this walk. We do this in honor of those that have passed from it and those that are still living with it, for the family members that care for them and those that we don't even know. No one should have to go through this. We pray everyday for a cure. Only together can we find one.
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