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My Mother, Una and my sister, Karen were both diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2023. In September of last year, I walked together with my brother-in-law, Mike and my family for the first time in the Ozaukee County Walk for Alzheimer's. It was a beautiful day and in just one week we raised over $3000 thanks to the generosity of our amazing family and friends, and team KarUna got recognized as the Rookie Team of the Year. Although the recognition was nice, it was the money raised in a very short amount of time that was impressive and so very humbling.

Since last year, my Dad and I moved my Mom into a memory care facility in April. She seems content and is adjusting but every day brings a different challenge. She is confined to a wheelchair and is limited in her communication. 

My Sister is living at home with round the clock support from her husband, Mike, and her daughter, Maddie. She struggles with understanding that it is HER with the disease and not others which presents its own set of challenges. Both Mike and Maddie have had to make huge changes in their own lives to support Karen and for that, my Dad and I are extremely grateful.

Last year I was made aware of the Ozaukee County Walk for Alzheimer's a week before it happened and I told myself that, for the next one, I would be more prepared and more active. Although a new job this year has hampered my ability to be as active as I would like to be, that is still on my radar going forward. I am, however, starting earlier with my communication to all my family and friends about this year's walk. It will take place on Saturday, September 28. Mark your calendars and come out and walk with us if you can.

Please support our team with a donation. I have seen with my Mom how quickly this disease can strip a person of who they are and they have no control of that. Money is needed to continue the education and research to find ways of slowing this disease and, ultimately, to find a cure.

Thank you for your support!

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Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$120 Raised
12% Achieved

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Cheryl Sweet
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Cheryl Sweet

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