I've been been involved with the Alzheimer's Association and Walk to End Alzheimer's for about 5 years now. My dream is to have a world without Alzheimer's and help those who are still in need and there caregivers. I've experienced Alzheimer's Disease through my personal and professional life, not one experience is the same.
Some people's progress is fast and others is slow. Some may experience all 10 signs at once and others may only experience a few and they may not be noticeable. That's why I always want to be there and around as support or to educator. The more the we know the more we can help.
*1/3 elderly die from Alzheimer's Disease of another form of Dementia. It kills more then breast cancer and prostate cancer combined.
* Someone is diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease every 65 seconds
*5.7 million Americans are living with Alzheimer's Disease.
I'm leading the way to Alzheimer's first survivor by participating in the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's(R). Our future is at risk unless we can find a way to change the course of this disease.
Together, we can end Alzheimer's disease. Please make a donation to advance the care, support and research efforts of the Alzheimer's Association.
Thank you for joining the fight against Alzheimer's!
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Thank you for helping advance Alzheimer's support, care and research.
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