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This year in May 2024 will make 20 years since the passing of my Grandmother, Phyllis "Jeanne" Smith, who was a loving mother to 6 children & a grandmother to 8 grandchildren. She had Alzheimers & Dementia for the last few years of her life which caused extreme distress for her health. She is missed dearly everyday. In the picture above is one of my Grammy Jeanne and my Pap James "Mike". They loved each other beyond words and my pap did everything he could for my grandmother during her battle with Alzheimers. Sadly, we lost my pap in June of 2014. But they are together and happy as can be up in the sky. My team also will be walking to spread the word about this disease and continued research as my uncle, Terry Smith (Grandma Jeannes Son), also has Alzheimers and is declining more and more each month. We hope you can join us in donating and/or walking with us to help spread awareness for this disease.

A word from the Alzheimers Association:

Alzheimer's isn't stopping and neither are we. By participating in the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's, I'm raising awareness and funds to advance the fight against this disease - funds that allow the Alzheimer's Association to provide 24/7 care and support while accelerating critical research.

Families facing Alzheimer's and all other dementia need us - and with your help, we can be there for them. Please make a donation or register as a participant and start your own fundraising efforts. Together, we can end Alzheimer's disease.

Thank you for your support!

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Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$10 Raised
3% Achieved

Our Walk

Our Walk
2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Altoona, PA
Saturday, October 5, 2024

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Shelbie Bossler
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Shelbie Bossler

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