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Team page of in Memory of Peter Lavin

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The most common question I always get and still do is "does (did) your Dad know you?  Like did he forget who you are (were)?"  There is so much more to Alzheimer's than forgetting your family.  Luckily, for us, my Dad never got to that point.

Alzheimer's impacts those around the patient the most.  Caregivers, relatives, neighbors, waiters/waitresses, etc, etc.  And it is not easy mentally, emotionally, and most especially financially.

Fortunately for my Dad, my Mom was there to be his Caregiver.  And she researched, listened to others, researched more, and she adapted as my Dad's mind changed.  She would always have 2-3 diversions in her back pocket to bring the focus away from something that might either be negative or a trigger and she knew how to sway the conversation in a completely different direction with those diversions.  

Unfortunately there were also times in public that it was embarrassing.  I watched him berate a college-aged waitress once because he was convinced that her bubbly and giggly personality was making fun of him.  His mind concocted a story and every time she came to the table he got worse and worse.  So there is not only an impact to the close friends and family; the impacts also bleeds out into our community and society as a whole.

There is not enough being done for Alzheimer's research to figure out what the cause is and how to slow down it's progression much less find a cure.  Here are some scary statistics:

11 million (11,000,000) Americans provide unpaid care for people with Alzheimer's or other dementias

These caregivers provided an estimated 18.4 billion (18,400,000,000) hours of care valued at over $323 billion ($323,000,000,000)

Between 2000 and 2015 deaths from heart disease have decreased by 11% while deaths from Alzheimer's have increased by 123%

Early and accurate diagnosis could save up to $7.9 trillion ($7,900,000,000,000) in medical and care costs

In 2021 Alzheimer's and other dementias will cost the nation $355 billion ($355,000,000,000).  By 2050 that figure is expected to rise to over $1.1 trillion ($1,100,000,000,000)

More than 6 million (6,000,000) Americans are living with Alzheimer's.  By 2050 this number is projected to rise as high as 14 million (14,000,000)

Will you join me to walk to help provide funding for research?  Before you sign up to walk with me in memory of my Dad and before you agree to help fundraise (or just provide a donation which is totally ok as well) I want you to know where your money is going

78% of your donation goes DIRECTLY to Alzheimer's care, support, research, awareness, and advocacy

18% of your donation goes to fundraising efforts

4% of your donation goes to administrative.  That's right, ONLY 4%!

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Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$150 Raised
6% Achieved

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Team Honor Roll
Mr. Kieran A Lavin
Deborah Haupert
Top Donors
Mr. Kieran A Lavin
Deborah Haupert

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