I'm walking so future generations will know a world without Alzheimer's. It may be too late for many of the 5 million who have the disease, and the 6.5 million that are projected to be living with it in less than 10 years from now. But imagine our children not knowing what Alzheimer's is, the same way kids today have no idea about what polio or small pox can do to a person.
Alzheimer's robs those afflicted of the memories that make up the joys of life - the very essence of who they are; it robs families of their relationships as sons, daughters and spouses become caretakers; and it robs all of us financially, being the most expensive disease in America, surpassing both cancer and heart disease. They have a three-fold greater risk of hip fractures and a subsequent greater risk of death as a sequela to hip fracture.
We need your help. Please make a donation to help the Alzheimer's Association advance research into methods of treatment, prevention and, ultimately, a cure for Alzheimer's. Help us create a world without Alzheimer's.
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