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Team Dorothy is 13 years strong!

 Dorothy was diagnosed with Alzheimer's in her early to mid 60s, and passed away a few years later in October 2013 from the disease. 

Alzheimer's is not normal aging.  She lost her ability to do most things on her own - walk to the bathroom, form sentences and have conversations, all the things we take for granted the ability to freely do every day. She was in her early 60s when diagnosed and lived a healthy life of exercise, no smoking/drinking, and eating the "right foods". Alzheimer's does not discriminate and can happen to anyone, especially those with a genetic history of it.

She was a grandmother to many grandkids, a wife, and a loving mother. Alzheimer's progresses really quickly, and can be a very scary experience at later stages. Those living with Alzheimer's can experience severe mood swings (sundown syndrome, tend to run away), and need to rely on a caretaker. The disease is ruthless and the reality is, we lose them a lot earlier than they actually physically pass. Alzheimer's can affect anyone, and it leaves no survivors. That's why Team Dorothy was formed in 2011, and for the past two years I (Michelle) have been on the planning committee for our queens walk ! 

There is currently no cure for Alzheimer's disease, and there has never been a survivor. More than 6 MILLION people in the US are living with Alzheimer's, and the death rate has doubled from 2000 to 2019. Alzheimer's kills more people than breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. It's a lot more than just losing your memory, your body forgets how to function properly and eventually completely shuts down. In 2022, Alzheimer's will cost the US $321 billion, and that number is expected to rise to $1 trillion by 2050. Despite the large amount of Americans living with the disease and the high cost, there is very little government funding put into funding a cure. That's why we need your help!

Here are some ways you can help:

1. Sign up and join us on walk day! It's free to sign up. 

2. Join the team as a fundraiser - share the link on your socials and with friends/family. There are incentives at each fundraising level.

3. Donate to our page, any amount counts. Check to see if your company will match the donation.

4. Share this page with your friends and on your socials to help us fight for a cure!

5. Reach out to me (Michelle) at mfredericks22@gmail.com to see how else you can help find a cure. I am happy to provide resources and fundraising tips.

Every ounce of your support means the world to my grandmother Dorothy's family and friends. Thank you all! -Michelle Fredericks 

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$625 Raised
16% Achieved

Our Walk

Our Walk
2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Queens, NY
Saturday, October 26, 2024

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Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
David Cuevas
Nicole Crawford
Daniel Berrios
Talia Medina
Michelle Fredericks
Michael Strianese
MK Thomson
Kristine Thomson
Shannon White
Ryan Fredericks
Joyce Cuevas
Nina Puglisi
Kerry Bartholomew
Top Donors
David Cuevas
Nicole Crawford
Daniel Berrios
Talia Medina
Michelle Fredericks

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