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Relentless. A term that describes Alzheimer's disease all too well. 

60... was the young age my Mimi was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer's. The several years that followed robbed her of her memories, her independence, and her life. 

Alzheimer's doesn't just affect those diagnosed; it profoundly impacts entire families. Watching a loved one slowly fade away, losing memories, and the ability to perform everyday tasks is heartbreaking.

I am honored to once again be serving as Co-Chair for the Association's Walk to End Alzheimer's taking place in Central Park on November 16th!

Funds raised will go towards research to fight the disease, and towards support for those families impacted. Every donation, no matter the size, brings hope and relief to those affected. Please join my family and I in this crucial fight.

Relentless. Also a term that describes Team Mimi. We won't stop until Alzheimer's is a thing of the past. I truly appreciate your support in our fight. Thank you so much xo.

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