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For 30 years, Cannataro Family Capital Partners (CFCP) has had the good fortune to support charitable causes on behalf of our clients and team members. To celebrate these three decades of giving, I am proud to announce that our new charitable partner is one close to my heart and a rising concern for our family of clients: the Alzheimer’s Association.

Alzheimer’s has touched my own family—my brother Gene has early-onset Alzheimer’s and many of you have family members on the same battlefield. Today, in the United States, more than 6 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and that number is growing. This is why we are putting on our gloves (ok, sneakers) and joining the fight to end this disease!

Cannataro Family Capital Partners has pledged to raise $150,000 for this partnership, with a goal of being of being one of the top 10 Walk teams in the nation by year end. We cannot do this alone and hope to leverage your support and dedication to get there.

“Team CFCP for Gene” is proud to be a local Presenting sponsor for the 2023 New York City Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's®. We invite you and your family and friends to join us in the best walking event in the world!

You can help Team CFCP for Gene by joining our team today. Register for our team to raise funds as a member of Team CFCP for Gene and ask your network to sponsor you. Registered team members are welcome to walk with us this October in person or in your own neighborhood (walking not required to raise funds!)

This partnership reflects the way Cannataro Family Capital Partners has approached assisting you and your family for the last three decades—protecting, growing and bridging generational wealth™.  We have always partnered with you like family, through the good and the bad, taking on obstacles and opportunities together.  

Thank you for choosing to be part of Team CFCP for Gene this year as we support the Alzheimer’s Association and my brother Gene in the fight against this devastating disease.

Lou Cannataro

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$2,215 Raised
1% Achieved

Our Walk

Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Aunt Claudia
Mony, Poppy and Nanna
M Phillips
Dennis Murphy
Colette Cannataro
Sabena Khan-Dookhie
Ethan Goldsmith
Rebecca Pritzker
Caroline Cannataro
Caroline Cannataro
Christian Diaz
Alexandra Agostino
Top Donors
Aunt Claudia
Mony, Poppy and Nanna
M Phillips
Dennis Murphy
Colette Cannataro

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