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Team page of Eddie Fitz 4 Alzheimer's

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The name “Team Eddie Fitz for Alzheimer’s” originates from the mighty Edmund Fitzgerald, the Great Lake freighter that, along with her captain and crew, battled 30’ waves and eventually perished in Lake Superior on that fateful evening Nov 10, 1975. My late Dad, who had a love and passion for the Great Lakes, battled Alzheimer’s disease for 9 years until he lost his endless battle July 2, 2015.  The battles we fight we don’t always win, but always serve to help us learn from and live in our hearts forever.  

My family and friends walk in memory of Dad, and through our many other fundraising efforts, Team Eddie Fitz has raised over $25,000 since 2010. We are helping to build awareness, and moving closer to one day meeting the First Survivor of this horrific and grave disease.

Thank you for making a donation and becoming a part of our great team: Team Eddie Fitz

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Our Goal

Team Progress
Message not found for key: fr_therm_percent_resp
$120 Message not found for key: fr_therm_raised_resp
12% Achieved

Our Walk

Our Walk
2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Wilmington, NC
Saturday, November 2, 2024

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Team Honor Roll
Sharon J
Ms. Laura J. Whittinghill
Top Donors
Sharon J
Ms. Laura J. Whittinghill

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