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Team page of John's Gang

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The world lost a good one!  John passed away on March 3, 2023 after battling Alzheimer's for many years.  Like many people with this disease, we noticed back in 2018 that he was starting to forget little things like how to use the TV remote or where he put his keys.  After several trips to the neurologist he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's after receiving a spinal fluid test.  Medication helped with his memory for many years, but his condition started to get worse in 2021.  He was more dependent on his wife, Sandy, and the rest of the family.  Even though it was a constant battle for him, he always managed to light up every room and was there to make everyone laugh.

We are raising money to help find a cure for this awful disease, but we also want to make sure caregivers are provided all of the resources they need.  Caregiving takes a toll on everyone and that's what The Gang is walking for.

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$2,511 Raised
84% Achieved

Our Walk

Our Walk
2024 Walk to End Alzheimer's - Detroit, MI
Saturday, November 2, 2024

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Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Eastside Coatings
Friends of Barton Malow
Kendra Fecho
Shawn Champion
Paula Holt
Steve Lorenzo
Terri Steinke
Stuart Challis
Sandi Braunscheidel
Jennifer DeMars
Top Donors
Eastside Coatings
Friends of Barton Malow
Kendra Fecho
Shawn Champion

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