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We are team Generation Cure! Team Generation Cure has a bigger meaning other  than the two words you see. Generation Cures hope is the same as everyone else! That by the time our children and grand children reach the age that most people develop Alzheimer/Dementia that there will already be a cure! We hope fundraising and raising awareness will help expedite the research needed to establish that an also raise awareness to help  be a voice for those that are still fortunate enough to be here with us who won't get heard! We are walking to help, We are fundraising to help, We are praying every chance we can that this horrible disease goes away or that there's a cure found soon! We are walking to support our Granny ,Luedith Lewis, our Mrs. Lavern Dorothy Woodward, and our Mr. Richard Clark. Luedith had Dementia and Mrs. Laverne and Mr.Richard had Alzheimer. All 3 of these amazing people made it to heaven no matter how hard their last fight was to get there. So Team Generation Cure is making a promise to help with whatever we can to fight against Alzheimer/Dementia! Help us raise funds or join our walk! Both mean just as much as the other to us!

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