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In 2012, Dayna Thompson,  in her first year as IU Health Bloomington Alzheimer’s Resource Service Educator, started a team called Memory Marchers to raise funds for the Alzheimer’s Association during the local annual Walk.  When the demands of her job increased exponentially, she turned over leadership of Memory Marchers after several years, though she remains on the team for the annual Walk.  Her expertise is invaluable.  Dayna and counterpart Amanda Oporta are our ADRS Wonder Women. Together, they educate and inspire us in our relentless pursuit to find a cure for Alzheimer’s.


Each year since 2012, Memory Marchers has surpassed the previous year’s fundraising effort.  For the 2024 Walk, current Memory Marchers co-chair Jerry Gonyo has again agreed to DOUBLE all donations received by 9/1/24.  Jerry’s wife lost her primary battle with Alzheimer’s at the end of 2019.  Co-chair Wendy Rubin’s husband Dick died from Alzheimer’s in 2013.  Together, Jerry and Wendy are compassionate, passionate, and committed to the Bloomington Walk’s fundraising effort to help find a cure for this debilitating, eventually fatal, disease.  A portion of funds raised by Memory Marchers will stay local in support of the Alzheimer’s Dementia Resource Service to provide advocacy and essential support programs and services.




We encourage family, friends, and anyone impacted by Alzheimer’s and related Dementias to donate to Memory Marchers.  There is strength in numbers.  We are all part of the Village it will take to find a cure.   We hope you will walk the Walk, whether in person or in spirit, at Switchyard Park in Bloomington on Sunday, October 6,2024.

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$2,291 Raised
8% Achieved

Our Walk

Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Peter and Kelli Rubin
Mrs. Wendy Rubin
Mr. Gerald George Gonyo
elissa tessler
Lois Sauder
Ben Brabson
Wendell Sauder
Dayna Thompson
Mav and Eloise Yoder
Neil Sauder
Nola Hartman
Top Donors
Peter and Kelli Rubin
Mrs. Wendy Rubin
Mr. Gerald George Gonyo
elissa tessler
Lois Sauder

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