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The Esbecks 2022
The Esbecks 2022

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Alzheimer's is relentless, but so are we! People ask 'why do you do this', so I've borrowed the words of another advocate to answer that question:

 "I walk so my kids won't have to lose me the way I lost my mom. I walk so they won't have to live with the cloud of Alzheimer's over their heads their entire lives, wondering if they'll get it. I walk so other families don't have to endure the excruciating deterioration of a loved one. I walk so other moms, like mine, don't have to be tormented with not knowing simple answers, be confused by normal circumstances and come face to face with the thought that there will come a day when they don't recognize their own children & husband....I walk for my family. I walk for your family. I walk to raise money to find a cure and to help local families cope. I walk to raise money to find a cure. I hope you will make time to be part of the solution that I believe is coming. Because, if we don't find a cure, every family will eventually have a very personal reason to walk. Every family will have a story like mine. Now is the time to find a cure. I hope you'll join me in taking steps toward that." 

- Ethan Forhetz

We walk for my Mom, who lost her struggle with Alzheimer's November 2018. We walk for my Uncle, who lost his struggle with Vascular Dementia & Alzheimer's March 2019. We walk for my Grandpa Esbeck who died from Alzheimer's in 1987. We walk for Dave's Mom who is living with Alzheimer's. We walk for Tim's mom, Evelyn who is living with Alzheimer's. We walk for Terri, who just received her diagnosis. We walk for our friend who was diagnosed in her early 50's with early onset. We walk for Jim's Dad and Dave's Dad who both had Vascular Dementia. We walk for my best friend's "Baba", who had Alzheimer's due to arteriosclerosis. We walk for JPY's Dad who passed away after living with hippocampal sclerosis dementia. We walk for Heidi & Karin's Mom who have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment or dementia. We walk for Jothi's Dad, Alyssa's Mom, Gram & Dad, Debbie's Mom & Dad, Ginny’s husband, Paul's mother, Leslie's Mom, Lisa's Dad, Angel's 3 Grandparents, Mary's husband, Doris's husband, Dave's wife, Ginny's husband, Kemp's mom and Allison's Mom who have all lost their fight to Alzheimer's. I walk for too many people - this disease needs to end. JOIN OUR TEAM and #WALK2ENDALZ!   

Alzheimer's should not be the price we pay for living longer lives. Let's find a cure so that our children can live in a world without Alzheimer's!  

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