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My grandmother laughing on the day of my Father's wedding.
My grandmother laughing on the day of my Father's wedding.

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My team and I are raising funds and walking in honor of my beloved grandmother, Linda Marie Dumian (fondly nicknamed LindaLou by my grandfather). All who know her can attest to the loving and stubborn spirit she has maintained throughout her lifetime. My grandmother has always felt like a second home to me and it is from her that I have learned fundamental lessons about life, love, and laughter. She always loved to remind us that laughter was one of the best secrets to a long life. 

Perhaps the second most important of her other "not-so-secret" secrets to a long and healthy life was walking. To know my grandmother was to know that she was totally and completely 100%  a "walker".  After undergoing a significant health journey in the middle of her life, she became a habitual daily walker and swore by both the mental and physical health benefits of the simple exercise. Whatever the day, no matter the weather, if she had the opportunity, you could find her out in her neighborhood, walking and smiling amongst her community. No day was truly complete to her if she wasn't able to "get her steps in".

Eventually doctors would tell us that her walking truly did extend her clarity and cognitive ability, though it is impossible to tell exactly how much time it bought her. Inevitably, my grandmother got her official diagnosis of NPH Hydrocephalus, which is a complicated and unique form of dementia. NPH mirrors some of the most common symptoms of Alzheimer's and also attacks mobility and ability to walk. At this point in 2024, my grandmother has almost completely lost her ability to walk, alongside a loss of memory and comprehension. NPH is also unique in that it is considered "one of the only reversible forms of dementia" if it is caught early enough. 

Unfortunately for my grandmother it was not caught early enough, and over the course of the last year her cognitive ability has significantly declined and she has lost mostly all mobility in her legs. I deeply miss the woman who in part raised me and I try to honor her every day that I can by taking a simple brisk walk. I walk for her, because she no longer can. Can you think of a better way to honor this wonderful woman than a walk for Alzheimer's and all other dementia? I can't! 

This walk and event also presents an amazing fundraising opportunity to help other's that are struggling. Families facing Alzheimer’s and all other dementia need us — and with your help, we can be there for them. This organization helps families that have similar, heart wrenching stores. It is truly a unique beast to watch one you love be taken from you before they are really gone. By making a donation or pledging to participate as a part of my team, I believe we can work towards finding solutions to end Alzheimer's and other related diseases. 

No matter what your pledge of support looks like, whether it's to show up and walk, donate, or to simply send a kind message, I sincerely appreciate it. For me, it's time to get out there and walk. 

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$515 Raised
52% Achieved

Our Walk

Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Denise Dumian
Lori Travis
Sherly Ortiz
Carina Dumian
Andrea Simpson
Grandma P
Aunt Susie
Top Donors
Denise Dumian
Lori Travis
Sherly Ortiz
Carina Dumian
Andrea Simpson

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