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Team page of The Memory Makers

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Support our team for the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's®, the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research.

I walk to honor my maternal Grandmother "Monee" and for my Dad Myron and my Mom Fran. The history that I know of starts with my maternal Grandmother who shares my birthday and then my Mother and Father all passed away from Alzheimers so there is a definite genetic factor for me and my whole family. My kids also have the genetic factor from their dads side.  I can't find the cure myself or alone but I can help raise both funding and awareness for this cruel disease and potentially help find a cure or treatment by giving my time to this wonderful organization. 

All members of this team believe in this cause whether they've been touched personally in their own families or they are supportive of the cause through knowing someone who has been impacted by this disease. 

However you get to caring about this cause, I'm glad you're here reading this. 

The walk is in City Park Denver on September 16th this year. City Park is a beautiful location. You should join us! If you can't join us, we'd be happy to have you support us through donation or some other way. 

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$708 Raised
24% Achieved

Our Walk

Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Peg Schwab
Lynn Ryder
Kimberly Ryan
Sheryl Wolff
Andrea Schneiderman
Ronna Wolf
Stacy Moore
Lynn Kahn
Ellen Phelps
Cheryl Gliksman Bielinski
Shar Wolff
Top Donors
Peg Schwab
Lynn Ryder
Kimberly Ryan
Sheryl Wolff
Andrea Schneiderman

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