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Team page of Mandy Invites You

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As you know, I recently started this job with the Alzheimer's Association as the Walk Manager. In the short time I have been with this organization, I have learned more about this devastating disease than I realized. Those living with it have a harrowing journey ahead with no cure. The loved ones affected by it, who become the caretakers not only see their loved ones change, but need resources at each stage of the disease to meet their needs. It can be a long journey that often leaves those with the disease and their caretakers feeling isolated and with many very difficult choices.

I am fortunate to see first hand what the Alzheimer's Association is doing to make an impact.  The Alzheimer's Association's signature event, Walk to End Alzheimer's®, is the world’s largest event to raise awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research. By joining my team and fundraising with me or by donating, YOU are helping provide free education programs to anyone concerned their loved one might have the disease, how to handle hard conversations, financial decisions, and find resources. YOU are making free support groups available to those with the disease have a place to experience a community and belong during a very isolating time. YOU also help provide support groups for caregivers and loved ones who are going through this horrible journey.  YOU and your donation keep those resources free AND allow the Alzheimer's Association to fund 100's of research projects to find a cure.  Your donation and/or participation big or small with absolutely MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 

Also, I personally want to thank you for clicking on my donation link. My team name is Team Mandy Invites You... because that is what I do. I do a lot of inviting whether it is to play volleyball, join me for random social excursions or support amazing causes. Thank you for your response to this invitation. I ALWAYS am grateful for the YES's in my life. 

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$1,340 Raised
27% Achieved

Our Walk

Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Vball Tourney Donation
Mandy Shefman
Veronica Sacchi
Omar Sharief
Tiffany Lunn
Jessie Hull
Aly K
Alanna Rutan
Ms. Hanh Dang
Stefani Paladino
Rita Issa
Margaret Yoo
Sharon Hsia
bassem elsayeh
Anuschka Alborzian
Melissa Hopkins
Natalie Harrold
Carina Edelman
Carolina Brown
Kelsey Dix
Megan Philbrick
Top Donors
Vball Tourney Donation
Mandy Shefman
Veronica Sacchi
Omar Sharief

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10+ Team Members

10+ Team Members

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