Walk to End Alzheimer's Walk to End Alzheimer's Event Home
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Team page of Kingston Bay

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Kingston Bay Senior Living provides compassionate, loving and quality care to those who suffer from this disease. We care and love for those who are in all stages of Alzheimer’s. It never gets any easier but we do our best and wear our hearts on our sleeves for our people. I am proud to be part of the Kingston Bay Team. Help us in this beautiful fundraiser and event, show your support in any way you can. We love what we do but would love to see some kind of success in curing this disease. It’s the longest goodbye we’ll ever experience. It’s saying goodbye but having to see them physically and sometimes not always in a good position. #endALZ 
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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$635 Raised
32% Achieved

Our Walk

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Team Honor Roll
Breanna Santos
Breanna Santos
Ericka Parks
Top Donors
Breanna Santos
Breanna Santos
Ericka Parks

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