I’m honoring my late father-in-law, Wayne Pluckhan who succumbed to this awful disease, my mother-in-law, Norma Pluckhan who is dealing with moderate dementia, my grandmother and step grandfather whom also had Alzheimer’s. I’ve watched them slip away from the person I knew and loved into somewhat of an empty shell of what they once were. It makes one feel helpless to watch them progress into the black hole of where memory once were. I want to help rid us all of this awful disease that has robbed so many from being able to live a fuller life, as well as robbing others of being able to enjoy, wholly, the person they love so much. Please consider donating towards finding a cure. I am participating in the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s in October and trying to raise funds and awareness to advance the fight against this disease — funds that allow the Alzheimer’s Association to provide 24/7 care and support while accelerating critical research.
Thank you, Debbie Pluckhan
My Progress
Thank you for helping advance Alzheimer's support, care and research.
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