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Team page of Pat's Girls

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Welcome to our team page for the Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer's®! Our team is dedicated to honoring the memory of our beloved mom, Pat, who battled Alzheimer's for 7 years, and my father-in-law, who is currently fighting this disease. Witnessing firsthand the toll this disease takes on families, my sister Lisa and I are compelled to take action!

Did you know that over 11 million caregivers in the US provide unpaid care to dementia patients? The financial burden is staggering, with costs projected to reach $1 trillion by 2050.

As caregivers ourselves, we understand the challenges firsthand. That's why I've formed a team called Pat's Girls and will participate in the SF Walk to End Alzheimer's Oct 19th, 2024. I have set a team goal of $5,000 to support Alzheimer's research and caregiving initiatives. You can join our team and walk with us to raise funds, or simply donate to our cause. Every contribution brings us closer to reaching our goal and making a meaningful impact in the fight to End Alzheimer's.

We need your help to end this devastating disease. You can make an impact with a donation or even joining our team. Your kindness and generosity truly make a difference in the fight against Alzheimer’s and all other dementia. Thank you for your support!!!

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We have raised


Our Goal

Team Progress
of Goal
$1,056 Raised
21% Achieved

Our Walk

Top Donors

Team Honor Roll
Trish Moreira Davini
Quang Pham
Linda Moore
Elisa Solano
Leslie Errington
Michele Werner
Tom Pigoski
Lisa Peterson
Heather Nichols
Leslie Errington
denis seger
Top Donors
Trish Moreira Davini
Quang Pham
Linda Moore
Elisa Solano
Leslie Errington

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